

To freeze or not to freeze - challenges and...

98 views June 23, 2022

In recent years, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) have evolved into a promising and...


Remote Research - A Video Roundtable Featuring...

38 views February 14, 2024

A Host of Pharma Industry Experts Discuss the Increasing Use of Digital Technology in...


Women in Pharma: Breaking the Glass Ceiling

196 views November 15, 2023

What can the pharma industry do about the glass ceiling in women’s careers? We speak with experts...


Redefining Manufacture

93 views August 11, 2023

It’s not just the products of the cell and gene therapies sector in which critical advances are...


The Medicine Maker - Cell & Gene Roundtable

162 views April 26, 2023

The Medicine Maker is hosting a roundtable discussion to explore the latest manufacturing trends...